Digital Impressions – Silicon Valley International Digital Art Exhibit

Arte, Design, Cinema

ArtX Gallery, 43008 Christy street, Fremont, CA94538 United States, Fremont, CA, CA94538, United States
18/10/2024 - 28/10/2024

In the heart of Silicon Valley, the global hub of technological innovation, ArtX
Gallery proudly presents “Digital Impressions – Silicon Valley International Art
Exhibition.” This exhibition is not about honoring the historical Impressionist
movement, but rather about exploring how people perceive and respond to
the advancements of the digital and AI age. Much like how Impressionism
once revolutionized the art world, “Digital Impressions” focuses on how
contemporary artists use digital tools and artificial intelligence to capture the
unique impressions of our era.

In this exhibition, artists utilize algorithms, pixels, and code to create works
that not only introduce new forms of art but also reflect deep considerations of
the role of technology in modern life. “Digital Impressions” showcases the
visual impact of the digital age while exploring how AI and technology
influence our emotions, social interactions, and perceptions. Just as the rise of
Impressionism challenged and reshaped the traditional understanding of art,
this exhibition highlights the profound transformation and innovation occurring
in art as we navigate the waves of the digital revolution.

Featured Artists:
Asy Dhaif, Gregory Fitzgerald (Art Fitzgerald), Jing Wang, Joachim Fleinert,
Júnior Ferreira (Theimagehs), Kevin Trinh, Marcus Wallinder, Michael
Ananian, Misha Primitive, Mona Gandomkar, Sena Clara Creston, Susanne
Layla Petersen, UFOfi, Yue Gu, Yvonne Fang

Exhibition theme:
Digital Impressions - Silicon Valley International Digital Art Exhibition
MetaSill | ArtX Gallery | UCCF

Oct 18, 2024 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Exhibition Date:
Oct 18th - Oct 28th , 2024

Exhibition Gallery:
ArtX Gallery
ArtX Gallery, 43008 Christy street, Fremont, CA94538 United States