Journeys of the heart


Via Palermo 5, Milano, Milano, 20121, Italia
28/09/2023 - 18/10/2023

In this exhibition, titled “Journeys of the Heart,” my aspiration is to portray fleeting sentiments, the raw and authentic emotions that form the very fabric of our lives. I employ the fortuitous effects of brushstrokes, where chance and intention converge, to capture these transient moments. More than an artist’s role, I wish to contemplate the responsibilities bestowed upon me by life itself. This introspective stance allows me to create not just as an artist but as an individual perceiving and responding to the world. It is a journey of understanding, a realization that true happiness multiplies when shared and experienced collectively. With each stroke of the brush, I endeavor to create art that resonates, art that is infused with love. Through this exhibition, my hope is to revisit a spectrum of emotions, portraying them authentically and sharing them with an open heart. Welcome to a glimpse of my world, where memories and emotions converge on the canvas, waiting to be explored and felt.”