Sara Wielich
I am a young graduate from the Department of Oriental Languages and Civilizations at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. My educational choices have always been combined with a strong passion for artistic expressions and especially for contemporary ones, so much so that I could present, both at the end of the three-year degree course and the newly completed one, two final theses focusing on contemporary Chinese art. At the end of my studies, I felt an ever-increasing desire to get closer to this world, overcoming the simple amateur passion that has always distinguished me, so I'm looking for new opportunities to increase and further expand my training. I am currently in search of a dynamic position in the art world that can help me taking part in the work of museums and contemporary art galleries. I am convinced that working in this kind of context can enrich me greatly by advancing my knowledge of the functioning of a museum structure and also giving me the great opportunity to come in contact with the artists themselves.
Richiesta #20751

I miei dati
Città di residenza: Roma
Data di nascita: 11/10/1993
Email: *****@**.***
Il lavoro che vorrei
Assistenza Galleria
Assistente Artista
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