Roberto Scala
Roberto Scala is an Italian contemporary artist known for his versatile and experimental approach, spanning painting, collage, photography, and multimedia installations. Born in Sorrento he is a prominent figure in the Mail Art and Fluxus movements. Scala's work often addresses social issues, promoting peace and justice through his art, and he frequently incorporates themes that anticipate the future. His artistic expression blends various disciplines, challenging conventional boundaries and engaging with current events.
Scala's extensive international career includes notable exhibitions, such as participation in the London Biennale direct and curator David Medalla and collaborations with artists like Maurizio Cattelan and Jake Chapman, and numerous solo and group shows across Europe, the Americas, and Asia publications like Flash Art and Juliet Art Magazine, showcasing his influence in the global art scene.
Richiesta #100476
I miei dati
Città di residenza: Milano
Data di nascita: 13/10/1968
Email: *****@**.***
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